Assessing strategic readiness helps assure AI investments align with and support enterprise-wide strategic goals.
The better prepared your organization is for AI investments, the better chance of AI adoption and scale.
As with any significant business investment or innovation, conducting a risk assessment is essential to identify any potential red flags.
Strategic Readiness
Operational Readiness
Risk Readiness
OneStream’s Finance 2035: Return to Investment highlights this shift. Per the report, 70 percent of CFOs predicted that organizations that don’t invest in AI tech infrastructure and skills won’t survive the next five years.
Yet even with clear urgency to move forward with AI, rushing ahead without a plan carries a host of risks that could quickly undermine any benefits.
CFOs should assess their organizations’ readiness to increase the odds of sustainable success.
For finance teams, the question is fast shifting from whether they’re going to embed AI into their business processes to when they’ll make it happen.
Are potential AI solutions clearly aligned to support and accelerate business priorities and goals?
What specific business or growth gains do you hope to realize from AI?
Are you developing or planning to develop a finance-specific AI strategy to assure sustainable growth?
Is your company leadership well-prepared to communicate your vision and the importance of AI for the future of the business?
Have you identified the areas or activities in which initial AI investments will deliver the most potential ROI?
Do you have the existing talent and skillsets on your current team to effectively embed AI within existing business processes? Or do you need to hire or contract out additional support?
Have you assessed the potential and limitations for existing systems and infrastructure to embed new AI capabilities?
Is there strong alignment with other enterprise departments to assure collaboration and buy-in related to AI investments?
Have you established security protocols to protect your data, digital assets, and infrastructure?
Do you have leadership buy-in for AI adoption to help assure sustained investment and support?
Has your organization defined its risk appetite related to degrees of automation and degrees of transparency associated with AI technology?
Are there regulatory risks regarding AI-related rules and restrictions in different jurisdictions that deserve consideration?
of CFOs believe that by 2035 AI and automation will completely reshape organizations' finance function.
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Birmingham, MI 48009Phone: +1.248.650.1490
Ready to test your AI readiness? Take our free assessment.
Strategic Readiness
Operational Readiness
Risk Readiness
Ready to test your AI readiness? Take our free assessment.
Ready to test your AI readiness? Take our free assessment.
Ready to test your AI readiness? Take our free assessment.
Here’s a cheat sheet built with key questions that drive toward answering the readiness question.